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A dazzling affair

As I sit here with my bags and purchases from yesterday still slung by the front door, I'm smiling. Brothers... I think I'm converted. Tom may be Jonathan's mirror image, but they couldn't be any less alike if they tried. Both men are fit and suitable looking, but while Tom has gentlemanly manners and enough conversation to keep a right-wing politician debating for hours, Jonathan is more 'devil-may-care'. His eyes dart mischievously, and his sensual mouth twitches with permanent amusement.

Jonathan owns his own company, which trades in loose gemstones worldwide. Considering he spends all day on the phone at Trans Hex's South African headquarters, he must have good interpersonal and business acumen. As he explained, Trans Hex is a world-class player in the exploration, mining, and marketing of the highest-quality diamonds. Enchanted by anything sparkly, I hung onto his every word, and then he asked me, "Do you want to visit my workshop to see what we do?"

We went to Hatton Garden in EC1, near the Barbican and Islington station. My heart was fluttering about all over the place. I wanted to continue despite maintaining a certain sense of decorum. Jonathan was holding my hand and explaining about all the fine pieces he had seen in his career made for celebrities and royalty. As we weaved in and out of London shoppers and business people, I couldn't help scanning the crowds for A-listers. We finally reached the heavy oak door of number 101, and he came around me to unlock the shutters, his lips tickling my neck. The shutter lifted, and we went inside; I was covered in goosebumps.

After showing me around the workshop and allowing me to swoon over beautiful specimens, Jonathan turned to me with the most severe expression I had yet to witness. "I'd like you to model some expensive diamonds for me," he said softly. Now I was thinking of a few rings, a necklace, maybe even a tiara, but no. Jonathan led me over to a sofa and got me to lay back while he went to his safe and brought out a black case. "Diamonds are exquisite, aren't they?" he said, removing a large blue diamond. He placed the diamond in my belly button and then removed a transparent pear-cut specimen, holding it to the light. By the time he had finished, he had adorned me with dazzling gemstones - emeralds, rubies and diamonds of all colours - like the trail of a priceless tattoo. I was speechless, and his eyes were clouded in lust. As he whispered the three C's - colour, clarity and cut - I thought I would drown... I have been to Tiffany and Harrods for fine jewellery, but I am still looking for something to compare.

So, which experience did I prefer? Well, both men treated me like a princess and had impeccable manners. I can't say I'd like to compare "technique" because that would be cruel, but someone should market these two as products. Did I get a souvenir of my date with Jonathan, 1/2-carat platinum?

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