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A truly British affair

What makes an Agency Pink escort a British affair? Unfortunately, I don't know the answer, but I do know that whatever it is, my latest client demanded it from his very English escort.

My client is the eldest son and heir to the most significant fortune I have ever known. The zero on his father's bank balance would make Bill Gates’s eyes pop. He lives mainly in Dubai but has a holiday home everywhere else. He visited the UK to view some diamonds.

My client wanted to take me everywhere, anywhere money could buy, and give me a chance to speak excellent English, wear something by Victoria Beckham, and be as British as I could experience in a lifetime. I just be. 

I asked him where he was staying by way of conversation, and he said: The Dorchester. I should have known! I didn't let on that I'd been there a million times before.

Two wholly satisfying hours later, my client could finally focus on the task. We went for lunch at Claridge's and then to Hatton Garden to keep his diamond appointment. Again, I don't need to mention that I knew the area quite well, as I find any diamond breathtaking—especially those he had about his person. I came away with a rather delectable pair of sapphire earrings.

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