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Erotic Humiliation



London is full of diverse tastes and preferences, especially in the City where the pace of life never slows down. If you were to stand still near London Bridge for a moment and watch the commuters, the speed at which they think and travel is quite alarming. But among the suits and briefcases lie many secrets


It never ceases to amaze us how people become aroused by taboo subjects. Our London fetish escorts make sure they research something thoroughly before they take on a new challenge - just as one would revise before an important exam. They won't get a second chance to impress, so that they can be in front of their laptop for hours the night before. Our ladies would prefer a few days’ notice to buy props and costumes, although many clients provide the entire ensemble to make the process smoother. Most of these men are married but can't express their fantasies to their wives. Our girls are more than happy to fulfil a role.


So, with all that simmering nicely in your mind, we must turn your attention to Frank. From the outside, Frank is your average 40-something family man. However, he comes to one of our lady's Mayfair flats on a Wednesday afternoon (usually when he has told his secretary he will be on a long lunch) and cleans her flat for her dressed in his Y-fronts and a gingham pinafore. Our mistress yells at him every so often, humiliating him if his housework isn't to her exact specification and calls him a useless idiot. He has provided her with a black PVC catsuit and thigh-high boots; her hair must be scraped severely back into a high ponytail, and her lips are glossed blood red. He isn't allowed to look her in the eye and must always call her "Mistress". She carries a riding crop, which is with her at all times, and occasionally, she gives him a whip when the fancy takes her. She can be spiteful, but he seems to like it more when she causes him to yelp.


Frank's 90 minutes are usually up when her bathroom is sparkling and her kitchen floor scrubbed. He puts his suit back on, picks up his briefcase and kisses her cheek. If there is time, she may even make him a cup of tea, and he gives her a rundown on what his kids are doing at school. She finds the whole scenario pretty surreal, but it makes him happy, and they never discuss it once it's over.


Erotic humiliation can take on many forms. There are London clubs that specialise in it and are open till very late. Arriving at midnight would guarantee four hours of fun, should that be your thing. Our naughty escorts have visited them a few times (as a guest as you have to be a member) to watch, and what an eye-opener! Imagine a basement divided into rooms, each with a different theme. 

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