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Flawless attire

Once you have picked one of our escort models from our gallery, you will be safe in the knowledge that our girls look flawless when you meet them and will be ready for any situation you have in mind. You would be more than ready and able if you need to show her off at a function or event. Or, if you just wanted to peek at what was underneath her immaculate attire, you can be assured you will not be disappointed; our girls are ready for anything!


All of our models know how to dress, and you will never see one of our elite ladies on an ‘off’ day. They are always groomed to perfection and take great care of their appearance - Hair and makeup are a must and always done to a very high standard. If you want her to come away with you on business, she can address your needs accordingly and will always dress to impress. She can dress down or go full out and look the business and guarantee turn to every head in the room.


Now, dressing right and looking right is only half of what our lovely Agency Pink ladies can do; our travel escorts can talk the talk and carry themselves most professionally.  


Nobody will ever know that you ordered this beauty from a London escort agency. If your colleagues only knew they would be booking one of our OK girls for their plus-one event, too. It’s up to you if you’d like to tell your colleagues, but if you want to be discrete, it will never come from us. Although our agency does thrive on recommendations, we would welcome bringing one of your trusted colleagues on board – but only if you thought he was a complete and utter gentleman like you.



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