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Happy Birthday To Me

Well, it's that time of year again when I feel like a child and get super excited. That's right. Happy birthday to me! I won't say how old I am as it's vulgar to talk about one's age, so let's say I'm a year older than I was yesterday. In addition to that, I'm also a year wiser and a year more beautiful. This is one London escort who intends to make the most of her special day.


I saw my parents’ early doors today, as they insisted I pop down to Surrey for breakfast to open my presents. As I munched on pain au chocolat and drank caffeinated coffee, I surveyed the gifts on the table before me: a new pair of running shoes (needed), favourite toiletries (needed), and a new watch (needed). I was acutely aware of the lack of "wants."


My three-o'clock client was one of the old ones. Jacob and I have seen each other on Monday every four for the last two years. He knows when my birthday is and was keen to show his affection. The last time we met for lunch in Belgravia, he commented that our next tete-a-tete would be my birthday. Happy birthday to me, indeed. Then he said, "What can I buy you?" I said, "Something I want; I don't need anything." [Obviously, this was a partial lie as my parents more or less had that covered.] 


So, as I type, I remember the look on Jacob's face as he dragged me by the wrist down New Bond Street in search of something "fit for a birthday". I was tingling as we cantered down the pavement, bathing in the luxury of the window displays. And then I stopped outside Donna Karan, just a fraction of a heartbeat longer than the rest, and Jacob said, This is the one. Let's go in".


Sweet mother of God, what a birthday! A lime-green halter neck dress leapt off the mannequin at me and practically draped itself over my body and into my heart. At over £2000, I thought Jacob would blanch, but he said, "You're worth it". A very Happy birthday to me, and before I knew it, it was gift-wrapped. As we left the shop, Jacob said the only thanks he wanted was to see me wear it when we went out in the West End for some end-of-birthday fun and then on to his hotel with his favourite escort delight.

Happy Birthday To Me - Agency Pink Escorts

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