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If you can’t say anything nice…

Do our escorts care about the feedback we receive online and offline? You bet they do. Although they don’t have any control over the words others write about them, of course. 

Some clients can give an escort a negative review, not because they haven’t had a good time but because they didn’t get the girl they hoped to meet that evening. Again, this is highly unfair and off-putting for other potential clients when it’s only one bad-tempered individual’s opinion!

Another aspect of these reviews is whether escorts ever get to review their clients in return. The answer is ‘no.’ This makes it all very one-sided in our minds.

The best type of review you can receive from a client is their truthful opinion at the end of the evening. And, of course, often you don’t even have to prompt them for that opinion because you can see in their face and manner that they’ve had a wonderful time and can’t wait for next month when they’ll be back in town again.

We are fortunate at Agency Pink as we get a lot of positive reviews from pleased customers.  Our ladies bring a lot of pleasure from seeing their clients enjoy themselves. Maybe it’s a power thing – perhaps it’s all related to self-esteem, but there’s nothing nicer than being able to give pleasure, we think. It’s like a gift in a way. For example, some people are great writers who can comfort millions through their words; others are fantastic painters who can pleasure those who gaze upon their works. Our ladies can make a stressed individual feel he can again conquer the world. Now, that’s certainly something to write home about.

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