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Is he cheating, or protecting his relationship?

A guy who chooses to see escorts to fulfil unmet needs and fantasies is making a very distinct point about his fidelity and commitment to his relationship. By spending time with professional escorts, he consciously chooses to avoid risking his family life by getting involved with a woman whose needs may escalate to the point where she threatens the stability of his relationship. Men go outside the confines of a relationship for various reasons besides being inherently dissatisfied with their relationship. Very often, he has fantasies which his other half is unwilling to fulfil, or he craves variety. 

Some men would never cheat, and some women will cheat at any opportunity; humankind is complicated, but leaving aside the exceptions and the profoundly faithful, what do you think the most adult option is for a woman faced with the prospect of her other half (who is otherwise a great match) ‘cheating’ by visiting an escort?

He made a commitment, and if he doesn’t stick to it, he can either leave, or I won’t let him go, but it will make his life hell forever.

If he cheats, he will destroy me because I am the woman in his life. He should only be attracted to me, and his desires and fantasies should be in line with mine. I would never allow a man to make me do things which are unnatural and perverted, and if this is the type of thing that turns him on, and I don’t know him at all, and our entire relationship is a lie.

A man who chooses to see our London agency escorts to fulfil unmet needs and fantasies makes a distinct point about his fidelity and commitment to his relationship. By spending time with professional escorts, he consciously chooses to avoid risking his family life by getting involved with a woman whose needs may escalate to the point where she threatens the stability of his relationship. Men go outside the confines of a relationship for various reasons besides being inherently dissatisfied with their relationship. Very often, he has fantasies which his other half is unwilling to fulfil, or he craves variety.

Strictly speaking, you can define this as ‘cheating’, but if you are willing to look at it from a broader perspective, you may find that a man sees escorts to satisfy desires outside of the marriage without putting it at risk. It is undoubtedly a far better option than a man who is miserable because his needs aren’t being met or an affair which may ultimately destroy a marriage.

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