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It's a small world

After a few years in the business working as a top London escort and more than a few dates, you can imagine this city getting smaller. The more familiar it is, the smaller it seems as the months pass. I start my day either at home or at a luxury hotel somewhere in the city, as I am only a top escort who is very much in demand. I could be in a whole manner of places come nightfall. No two weeks are ever the same, and more often than not, no two clients are the same. However, that is not to say that I haven't been in my fair share of awkward situations, and it's a small world out there. 


I'll set the scene for you and explain why it's a small world, especially in the escort business. I was at The Ritz, having cocktails and an intimate chat with a new client. We were getting along like a house on fire when suddenly, from across the lobby, I heard my name being called. Now, without giving too much away, I have a few aliases. They are often variations on my natural or middle name, each with different spellings and never the same surname. This is not to keep me incognito but to ensure maximum discretion for the client and non-traceability. 


So, my head has remained in the same position, my smile hasn't faltered, and my client hasn't noticed a change in my body language. However, my ears have tuned into the name that has been repeated. There is more than one woman in the world with this Christian name, so I haven't gone into paroxysms of horror. However, I could hear the name repeated, and we both looked at the caller. And there he is - an ex-client (one who had to stop calling me as his wife had discovered his mobile phone bill). Furthermore, he's intoxicated to the hilt, staggering over in my direction.


"Does he mean you?" my client asked me, and I remained impassive. I said, "I have no idea who that man is!" The ex-client laid a heavy hand on my shoulder and said in my face, "I thought it was you! It's a small world. How are you? I'm going through a nasty divorce now...Silly old bat is even taking the dog!"


My lovely client reached his feet and spat, "Now look here! I gently removed his sweaty paw from my person and said politely, "I think you've got me mixed up with someone else." At that point, the ex-client blinked at both of us, mumbled a feverish apology, and staggered away. Thankfully, he returned whence he came with his tail between his legs. And I have smoothed back my hair, re-crossed my legs and said sweetly, "Now, you were saying...?"


You can never be too careful in my line of work. We have all heard horror stories like the fiancé of a dear friend of mine (who she is still marrying and whom I'm still working on to oust). Thankfully, that hasn't come out yet. So, overlaps can occur, and egos have been bruised, but I try to leave it at the door when I say goodnight.


It doesn't do to dwell.

It's a small world - Agency Pink Blogs

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