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Know your stuff

When I became a London escort, I wrote rules for myself. "Know your stuff" was my motto, and I still live by that motto today. Here's a little insight into my rule book.

1) Don't fall for a client. They are just a client!
I have seen many girls fall into the trap of not seeing it this way. Some girls who weren't even new to the business had regular clients and ended up giving up their jobs for their newly found "loves". I know one woman who moved to Paris for her man, and he promised her the world. Then she got bored of not working, but he didn't trust her to get a job, so their relationship ended, and she came back to London with no job and a broken heart. Would you go and work in a bank and fall for your colleague just like that? No, so don't take this job for being anything other than a job!

2) Don't take anything personally. 
I had to harden myself to believe in this rule. I have been called names by clients. Not my regulars but one-off billionaires who have come to London for a couple of nights and called upon my services for a few hours. You get dressed up, you go to their hotel, and they treat you like a common trollop. It's not nice when you're in one of Knightsbridge’s most glorious hotels and come out into the lobby with mascara cheeks, but you harden yourself. I know I'm not a slapper, and those are the clients I enjoy taking their money the most.

3) Don't say no to a gift.
When you first begin your escort work and are a pretty humble lady like me, you may find it difficult to accept a gift. Don't! It is insulting to refuse a client's thoughts. Plus, it will pad your wardrobe and jewellery box and benefit you and others. And if you don't like it, only wear it or use it with the man who bought it for you. They are happy, which guarantees another date as you remember they bought it for you. This leads me to a fundamental rule...

4) Write everything down.
Nothing is worse than a repeat booking but not remembering what they do, where they come from and where you went last time. Even if it's as simple as writing: "Fred, actor, Belgravia lunch in Chelsea, hates pink." You know your stuff, where they live and what you can't wear.

Little things like this improve my job and protect my integrity. It's always good to know your stuff regarding the escorting industry. Of course, you get attracted to clients (which makes the end of the evening very enjoyable), but I keep my escort locked away. Plus, it's more exciting when you don't give too much away. 

I love playing the game, but I do not want to get played!

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