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Take pride in your appearance

We take great pride in the fact that the Agency Pink ladies all love to look after their appearance. And when we say “love” to look after their appearance, we mean it. We’re sure you all agree that they all look fantastic, but what we’re referring to here is how they dress. They love to shop, and when they shop, they do it in all the best boutiques in the city. We know they look great, but how do you measure up? Do you take a lot of pride in your appearance? Do you also shop in the best places?

If you’re here on this site, you can likely afford to buy the best. Whether you choose to is another story altogether, then. We thought it would be an excellent idea to share some of the best tailors we’ve heard about. Our agency escorts get to chat with their clients, of course, and they pick up a little inside information here and there. Here are the ones that come at the top of their list:

·         Tailor Made London - 80 Britannia Walk, Old Street N1 7RH

·         Henry Herbert Tailors - 156 - 158 Gray's Inn Road

·         Huntsman and Sons - 11 Savile Row

·         Dave Wax Tailors - 160 Hammersmith Road

You can book fittings by clicking on their website links. They mentioned these places because the man who told them about them looked good! Besides, whether you’re seeing London escorts or going out to dinner, it can’t hurt to look good, anyway, can it?

When you think about how much a new suit will cost you, it’ll probably shock you, especially at some of those places listed above! However, think about it a little longer. You’re not going to need to replace these suits often. A quality bespoke suit is worth every penny you pay for it. And besides, think of the heads you’re going to turn, not to mention just how impressed our ladies will be when you see them.

Now you’ll look top-notch; all you need is a date!

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